
BigCommerce SEO Agency

Say goodbye to overcomplicated, overpriced SEO strategies.

We’ll transform extensive research into an actionable SEO strategy, ensuring your BigCommerce gets the recognition it deserves.

How we optimise and grow BigCommerce stores

Insightful keyword & market analysis

Dive deep into keyword potentials, dissect market trends, and harness historical data to build a solid foundation for your SEO journey.

Data-driven SEO execution

We transform insights from extensive research into actionable SEO strategies, ensuring your online presence is both impactful and consistent.

Results review & iterative refinement

Our approach is dynamic. We consistently monitor outcomes, fine-tuning tactics to ensure your ecommerce site remains a step ahead in the SEO game.

Bespoke BigCommerce SEO strategies, tailored to your goals

We’ve had data-led, exceptionally good deliverables, clear communication and nice people to work with.

Richard Tidman
Digital & E-Commerce Director

Bespoke BigCommerce analytics & omnichannel mastery

Delve deep with ecommerce-focused dashboards, blending omni-channel data for a holistic view. Custom reports guide actionable strategies, specific to BigCommerce nuances.

Seamless team integration

We seamlessly integrate into your operations. Every facet of ecommerce expertise is at your disposal, combined with your preferred communication tools and unrestricted team access.

Straightforward, client-tuned ecommerce solutions

Our BigCommerce deliverables resonate clarity. Free from jargon, handcrafted for ecommerce, they embody our client-first ethos, leveraging our rich client-side experiences.

BigCommerce SEO services

Keyword research

Keyword research identifies and analyses the most relevant keywords to target in SEO efforts. These data-led keywords act as the foundation of your BigCommerce SEO strategy.

Onsite analysis & content

A thorough examination of your BigCommerce site’s content, including product descriptions and categories. Great for sites that have a lack of optimised content and onsite elements.

Keyword opportunity analysis

An evaluation of unexplored keywords that could drive additional traffic and sales. Perfect for websites experiencing dips in their existing keyword rankings and falling behind competitors.

Competitor visibility analysis

Assessing how competitors are performing in search results for key terms and products. Great for finding weak spots and new opportunities in competitive or overwhelming markets.

Technical SEO audit

An in-depth examination of the technical factors that affect SEO performance. Great for BigCommerce sites that have been performing poorly with no obvious explanation.

Content strategy

Planning and implementing a content strategy that aligns with your brand and SEO goals. Great for those not utilising regular content promotion and missing out on larger audiences.

Frequently asked questions

Want to learn more about how BigCommerce SEO can benefit your business? Browse through these frequently asked questions or get in touch with our team today.

BigCommerce is a leading ecommerce platform that enables businesses to create and manage their online stores. It offers a comprehensive set of tools and features, including website creation, product management, payment processing, and order fulfillment, catering to a wide range of industries. BigCommerce stands out for its scalability, making it suitable for small start-ups as well as large enterprises seeking robust online retail solutions.

BigCommerce functions as a cloud-based, software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform. Users subscribe to the service and can then build their online store using BigCommerce’s user-friendly interface, without needing extensive technical knowledge. The platform provides a range of customisable templates, integration options with various payment gateways, and tools for inventory management, marketing, shipping, and analytics. All of these features are accessible via a web browser, making it easy for business owners to manage their store from anywhere.

No, BigCommerce is not free. It operates on a subscription-based model, offering several pricing tiers with varying features and capabilities. Each tier is designed to cater to different business sizes and needs. While there is no free version of BigCommerce, they typically offer a trial period, allowing potential users to test the platform before committing to a subscription.

BigCommerce is not an open-source platform. It is a proprietary ecommerce solution where the source code is not publicly accessible for modification or distribution. However, BigCommerce does offer extensive APIs and a framework for developers to customise online stores and integrate third-party applications, providing a degree of flexibility similar to open-source platforms.

To set up a BigCommerce store, start by signing up for an account and choosing a pricing plan. Once registered, you can select a template for your store’s design and customise it to fit your brand. Then, add your products, including descriptions, images, and prices. Configure your payment and shipping options and set up tax settings. Finally, preview your store to ensure everything looks right and then launch it to the public. BigCommerce provides guidance and support throughout this process.

Whether BigCommerce is better than Shopify depends on specific business needs and preferences. BigCommerce often excels in built-in features, data tools, and scalability for large businesses, while Shopify is renowned for its user-friendly interface, design flexibility, and a vast app store. The choice between the two should be based on factors like budget, technical expertise, and specific ecommerce requirements.

BigCommerce is a good choice for an ecommerce platform due to its scalability, comprehensive set of built-in features, and strong support for SEO and multi-channel selling. It caters to a wide range of business sizes and offers extensive customisation options without requiring in-depth technical knowledge. Its robust security features, reliable hosting, and regular updates make it a solid choice for businesses looking to grow their online presence.

SEO is crucial for BigCommerce businesses as it helps in improving their online visibility and attracting organic traffic to their store. Effective SEO practices ensure that a BigCommerce site ranks higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find the store. This not only increases traffic but can also lead to higher conversion rates and sales. BigCommerce provides various SEO tools and features to help businesses optimise their content and improve their search engine rankings.

BigCommerce SEO results

Elevating the online visibility for OTO CBD’s online store by infusing the right dose content, SEO and backlink acquisition.

Building a strong organic presence for TFH Gazebos with a weather-resistant SEO, content, and backlink strategy.

This work has been done with excellent levels of communication. Quite simply this is how I would expect a high-level agency to work!

Harman Bhamra
Head Of Ecommerce

Grow your BigCommerce store today

Keyword research

Keyword research is the process of identifying the most relevant and effective terms that potential customers use in search queries when looking for products or services. This fundamental step in BigCommerce SEO helps tailor a website's content to match the exact terms users are searching for. This research underpins all other SEO tasks, especially content strategies, onsite analysis, and keyword opportunity identification. By targeting the right keywords, ecommerce businesses can attract more organic traffic that's relevant, leading to increased sales. Meeting online objectives starts with knowing what your audience is searching for, and we excel in this by combining robust tools with in-depth market understanding to discover high-impact keywords for any business niche.

Onsite analysis & content

Onsite analysis for BigCommerce stores involves scrutinising the site's existing content, especially within product listings and categories, ensuring it's optimised for both users and search engines. The insights from this assessment greatly inform the content strategy and keyword opportunity exploration. Ecommerce sites stand to benefit by ensuring that every piece of content aligns with what potential customers seek, enhancing discoverability. Our agency takes a deep dive into every element, recommending actionable changes to enhance performance, ensuring products are easily findable and enticing to potential customers.

Keyword opportunity analysis

This process uncovers potential keywords that a site isn't currently targeting but could bring valuable traffic. It draws heavily from keyword research and works hand-in-hand with competitor visibility analysis. Ecommerce brands on BigCommerce can uncover new areas of growth and revenue by capitalising on these newfound opportunities. We shine by meticulously sifting through data to reveal untapped avenues for growth, allowing businesses to extend their reach and capture more market share.

Competitor visibility analysis

By analysing how competing ecommerce sites perform, especially in terms of keyword rankings and online visibility, businesses can glean valuable insights to refine their own strategies. This analysis directly informs keyword opportunity discovery and shapes content strategies. Ecommerce brands benefit by understanding their market better, adjusting tactics to stay ahead. We provide a comprehensive overview, highlighting competitor weaknesses to be exploited and strengths to be countered, ensuring their clients always stay a step ahead in the market.

Technical SEO audit

This is a thorough evaluation of a website's underlying infrastructure to ensure optimal performance for both search engines and users. Such an audit highlights any technical issues that could hinder a site's visibility or user experience. The findings directly inform onsite analysis and are crucial for the overall SEO strategy. For ecommerce businesses, ensuring a seamless user journey and optimal site performance can significantly boost conversions. Our team distinguishes itself by providing meticulous technical audits, revealing even the smallest issues and offering clear, actionable solutions to maximise site performance.

Content strategy

A content strategy is the master plan guiding the creation, delivery, and management of content. In the context of BigCommerce SEO, it ensures that every piece of content, from product descriptions to blogs, aligns with the targeted keywords and meets user intent. The insights from keyword research, onsite analysis, and competitor visibility all feed into crafting this strategy. Effective content not only attracts traffic but also engages and converts visitors. We take pride in developing strategies that resonate with audiences, combining SEO best practices with a deep understanding of user behaviour, ensuring brands effectively communicate their value proposition.

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BigCommerce related guides

Enhance your BigCommerce store's performance.

Get in touch with us today, or book a call here.