
Adobe (Magento) SEO Agency

Say goodbye to overcomplicated, overpriced SEO strategies.

Our Magento experts dive deep into industry data, ensuring your Magento store benefits from long-term organic growth.

How we optimise and grow Magento stores

Dive into keywords and market analytics

Delving into keyword trends and historic data, we ensure your Magento store is aligned with market demands and customer searches.

Data-driven SEO execution

Using the insights from rigorous research, we craft and implement SEO strategies tailored for optimal visibility and conversion.

Track, tweak, and refine

We consistently monitor performance metrics, making nimble adjustments to ensure your store’s SEO stays at the forefront of the ecommerce landscape.

Bespoke Magento SEO strategies, tailored to your goals

We’ve had data-led, exceptionally good deliverables, clear communication and nice people to work with.

Richard Tidman
Digital & E-Commerce Director

Tailored dashboards and omni-channel reporting

Harness the power of customised metric dashboards, offering comprehensive ecom specific, omni-channel insights for precise, effective decision-making.

Your extended specialist team

Experience seamless integration with our experts in every domain, ensuring fluid communication and complete access to the whole Bulldog crew.

Clear-cut, bespoke solutions

We provide jargon-free strategies, delivering handcrafted ecommerce solutions to propel your business forward without complexity.

Magento SEO services

Keyword research

Keyword research identifies and analyses the most relevant keywords to target in SEO efforts. These data-led keywords act as the foundation of your Magento SEO strategy.

Onsite analysis & content

A thorough examination of your Magento site’s content, including product descriptions and categories. Great for sites that have a lack of optimised content and onsite elements.

Keyword opportunity analysis

An evaluation of unexplored keywords that could drive additional traffic and sales. Perfect for websites experiencing dips in their existing keyword rankings and falling behind competitors.

Competitor visibility analysis

Assessing how competitors are performing in search results for key terms and products. Great for finding weak spots and new opportunities in competitive or overwhelming markets.

Technical SEO audit

An in-depth examination of the technical factors that affect SEO performance. Great for Magento sites that have been performing poorly with no obvious explanation.

Content strategy

Planning and implementing a content strategy that aligns with your brand and SEO goals. Great for those not utilising regular content promotion and missing out on larger audiences.

Frequently asked questions

Want to learn more about how Magento SEO can benefit your business? Browse through these frequently asked questions or get in touch with our team today.

Magento SEO entails tailored strategies and optimisations specifically for websites built on the Magento platform, aiming to boost their visibility on search engines. It ensures that Magento-based businesses effectively reach and engage their target audience, leading to increased traffic and conversions.

Adobe Commerce, formerly known as Magento Commerce, is the premium version of Magento, offering a full suite of features and additional cloud-hosted services after Adobe’s acquisition of Magento Inc. It’s designed for larger businesses needing advanced functionalities, integrations, and support. Magento, now referred to as Magento Open Source, is the free, self-hosted version of the platform maintained by a community of developers, suitable for smaller businesses that handle their own hosting and technical setup.

Magento offers two primary versions: Magento Open Source (previously Magento Community) which is free to download and use, and Magento Commerce which is a paid version, offering additional features and functionalities tailored for larger enterprises.

Magento is a feature-rich, open-source ecommerce platform. It offers businesses flexibility to customise their stores with extensions and themes. With its modular architecture, businesses can expand functionalities, manage products, process payments, and more, ensuring a scalable and tailored online shopping experience for users.

Choosing the right Magento SEO agency hinges on their experience with the platform, demonstrated results, and understanding of your business needs. Consider agencies with a track record of success in Magento, client testimonials, and expertise in SEO strategies. We pride ourselves on a tailored, client-first approach, making us a trusted partner in Magento SEO.

For Magento stores, SEO is crucial in ensuring visibility in a saturated online market. Effective SEO means higher organic traffic, more conversions, and increased brand credibility. With competition intensifying, Magento businesses must invest in SEO to stand out and reach their target audience effectively.

Magento is lauded for its scalability, flexibility, and extensive features. It caters to both small businesses and large enterprises. Its open-source nature allows for vast customisation, while its robust community means a plethora of extensions and support, making it a dynamic choice for ambitious ecommerce businesses.

Executing SEO for Magento involves a multi-pronged approach. Starting with a comprehensive audit, we optimise site structure, URLs, meta tags, and product descriptions. Backlink strategies, content optimisation, and technical tweaks follow. At Bulldog, our methodical approach ensures Magento sites are primed for visibility and user engagement.

The cost of SEO for a Magento site varies based on specific needs, store size, and the competitive landscape. It’s an investment, as impactful SEO leads to sustained organic growth. We offer customised packages, ensuring each client receives optimal value for their investment.

Magento SEO related results

Elevating the online visibility for OTO CBD’s online store by infusing the right dose content, SEO and backlink acquisition.

Building a strong organic presence for TFH Gazebos with a weather-resistant SEO, content, and backlink strategy.

This work has been done with excellent levels of communication. Quite simply this is how I would expect a high-level agency to work!

Harman Bhamra
Head Of Ecommerce

Grow your Magento store today

Keyword research

Keyword research is the method of pinpointing the most pertinent terms that potential clients input into search queries when hunting for offerings. It's foundational for Magento SEO, ensuring content aligns with users' search intentions. This task underpins the efficacy of content strategies, onsite analysis, and keyword opportunity pursuits. By focusing on the right keywords, ecommerce platforms can pull in more pertinent organic visitors, increasing conversions. Success online starts with grasping your audience's searches. Our team stands out by blending top-notch tools with deep market insights, identifying the most impactful keywords tailored to business niches.

Onsite analysis & content

Delving into onsite analysis for Magento sites means inspecting the present content, notably within product and category sections, to confirm its optimisation for search engines and users. Feedback from this evaluation feeds directly into content strategies and keyword opportunity assessments. With every content piece resonating with potential customer needs, ecommerce platforms enhance their discoverability. We thoroughly examine all facets, proposing effective alterations that bolster performance, ensuring products captivate and are accessible to prospective clients.

Keyword opportunity analysis

This procedure spots potential keywords that, although not presently a focus, might usher in beneficial traffic. It heavily leans on keyword research and is intertwined with competitor visibility exploration. Ecommerce entities using Magento can unveil and venture into fresh growth zones and generate revenue by seizing these emerging opportunities. Our agency shines by methodically navigating through data, spotlighting untapped growth sectors, and enabling businesses to broaden their influence and grab more market segments.

Competitor visibility analysis

Evaluating the performance metrics of rival ecommerce entities, especially regarding keyword ranking and online presence, can offer invaluable strategic insights. Such insights are pivotal for recognising new keyword opportunities and moulding content strategies. By better grasping their competitive landscape, ecommerce businesses can pivot strategies to consistently remain ahead. We provide a sweeping competitor view, pinpointing areas of weakness ripe for exploitation and areas of strength to counter, ensuring clients retain a competitive edge.

Technical SEO audit

A comprehensive check of a website's backend infrastructure, a technical SEO audit ensures optimal operations for search engines and end-users alike. Such audits detect and flag potential issues that might impede site visibility or user experience. These findings are integral to onsite analysis and the overarching SEO blueprint. For ecommerce platforms, streamlined user interactions and peak site functionality can drastically uplift conversion rates. We distinguish ourselves by its rigorous audit processes, spotting even minute hitches and providing clear, actionable remedies that bolster site operations.

Content strategy

This overarching plan governs content creation, dissemination, and oversight. Within Magento SEO, it assures every content piece, from blogs to product descriptions, is attuned to the targeted keywords and fulfils user objectives. Data from keyword research, onsite evaluations, and competitor insights all converge to formulate this strategy. Effective content is a magnet for traffic and a tool for visitor engagement and conversion. We take pride in curating resonant strategies, marrying SEO best practices with nuanced user behaviour insights, ensuring brands adeptly convey their unique value.

Similar services you may be interested in

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This service revolves around optimising stores powered by BigCommerce, a SaaS ecommerce platform. BigCommerce, like Shopify, offers a more streamlined setup process compared to Magento. Its unique set of features requires a different SEO approach. However, by leveraging the synergies across Magento, Shopify, and BigCommerce SEO, We guarantee platform-specific expertise with a unified growth vision for all clients.

Magento related guides

Elevate your Magento site's SEO for unparalleled growth.

Get in touch with us today, or book a call here.