
Content Marketing Agency

Creativity that ranks and converts.

It’s time to curate a content plan that puts you in the limelight! Our content marketing services help your brand reach new corners of the internet, targeting more people than ever before.

How we create content that stands out from the crowd

Audit, ideate and research

We meticulously examine your existing content, brainstorm fresh ideas, and conduct keyword research to lay a robust foundation for your online growth.

Refresh, create and optimise

Our team crafts and refines quality content, aligning it with SEO best practices to engage your audience and boost your brand’s visibility.

Track, adapt and iterate

We consistently monitor results, making slight adjustments and repeating successful strategies to ensure continuous growth and improvement in your ecommerce success.

Reach new corners of the internet with a content marketing plan

Our top keyword search rankings have moved from over 100 to the top three. Bulldog exhibit a passion for what they’re doing as well.

Amy Cook
Business Operations Manager

Clear, user-friendly, data-driven solutions

We provide jargon-free, easy-to-use, and data-led deliverables.

Your all-in-one content hub

From audits and analysis to copywriting and blog posts, we’re a one-stop-shop for everything content, streamlining your marketing efforts.

Triple-checked content quality

Every piece of content we create is meticulously checked by a content manager, proofreader, and writer, ensuring accuracy, quality, and consistency.

Content marketing services

Content audit

Our content audit is a comprehensive review of all blog content to assess performance, relevance, and impact. Perfect for those with a solid foundation of content that isn't reaching its full potential.

Content gap analysis

A content gap analysis identifies what content is missing from your site that your competitors are already capitalising on. Great for websites that need to find new content opportunities in their industry.

Content calendar

Our content calendar is a clear-to-follow schedule that outlines what content will be published and when. Perfect for brands that need a full encompassing content strategy without any confusion.

Product descriptions

Carefully written and well-researched product descriptions that provide detailed information about a product's features, benefits, and usage. Ideal for products that don’t currently show useful information to users and Google.

Onsite content

Onsite content includes all the written material on your website, such as landing pages, product information, and more. For when main money, category and landing pages are lacking in optimised content.

Blog content creation

Blog content creation involves producing regular articles related to your industry, products, or services. A fantastic way to boost organic visibility, create internal link opportunities and engage customers.

Frequently asked questions

Want to learn more about how content marketing can benefit your business? Browse through these frequently asked questions or get in touch with our team today.

Content marketing involves the creation and sharing of online material, such as blogs, that doesn’t explicitly promote a brand but aims to stimulate interest in products or services. It’s about providing valuable, relevant information to attract and engage a target audience, ultimately leading to desired customer actions.

A content marketing strategy is a plan for creating, publishing, and distributing content to achieve specific business goals. It includes identifying target audiences, setting clear objectives, choosing the right content types and channels, and measuring results. A well-designed strategy ensures that content is aligned with your brand and resonates with your audience.

Selecting the right content marketing agency involves considering factors such as experience, expertise, compatibility with your brand, and budget. Look for an agency with a proven track record in your industry, clear communication, transparent pricing, and a customer-centric approach. Our tailored solutions and client testimonials are examples of what to seek.

Content marketing builds trust, drives traffic, and enhances customer engagement. By providing valuable and relevant content, you can guide customers through the buying process, answer their questions, and position your brand as an authority. Content marketing also supports SEO efforts, helping your business rank higher in search results.

Content marketing enhances SEO by creating relevant, high-quality content that search engines value. By incorporating targeted keywords, optimising meta descriptions, and providing valuable information, content marketing increases your site’s visibility in search engine results. Regularly updated, engaging content also keeps visitors on your site longer, improving your search rankings.

Content marketing fosters link building by encouraging other sites to link to your valuable content. Quality, shareable content can earn backlinks from reputable sources, boosting your site’s credibility and SEO performance. By creating informative, unique content, you can attract links organically, establishing your site as an authoritative resource.

The best content marketing strategy for ecommerce provides value at every stage of the buying journey. It includes understanding your audience, creating engaging product descriptions, crafting informative blog posts, leveraging social media, and utilising SEO best practices. Our expertise ensures a tailored strategy that resonates with your specific market and goals.

Content marketing results

Moulding Simply Plastics’ digital presence with clear-cut, polished SEO, content, and PR strategies that reflect success.

Building a strong organic presence for TFH Gazebos with a weather-resistant SEO, content, and backlink strategy.

Bulldog massively improved our ranking results for major keywords. They make it easy for me to understand, and the results speak for themselves.

Marc Davis
Business Development Manager

Start showing off your business today

Content audit

A content audit is a comprehensive review of all the content on a website to determine its relevance, performance, and alignment with business objectives. This process forms a pivotal part of shaping an effective digital strategy, as it highlights strengths and areas of improvement within the existing content. The insights from an audit directly support the creation of a content calendar, onsite content refinement, and the overall content marketing strategy.

Content gap analysis

Content gap analysis is the process of identifying topics or areas that a website hasn't adequately covered, but which are crucial for its target audience. It plays a key role in the strategic planning of digital content, ensuring no essential topics are missed. This analysis enhances content calendars, onsite content strategies, and bolsters blog content creation. You'll benefit from such analysis by ensuring every potential customer query or interest is addressed. This approach drives more organic traffic and boosts conversions.

Content calendar

A content calendar is a strategic plan that outlines what content will be published, where and when. It's instrumental in leading a consistent and coherent digital content strategy. By planning in advance, it ensures alignment with other marketing activities and delivers a cohesive brand message.

Product descriptions

Product descriptions offer detailed information about products, highlighting features, benefits, and unique selling points. They play an integral role in influencing purchasing decisions in a digital strategy. While intrinsically tied to onsite content, they also often draw insights from content audits and gap analyses to ensure they're compelling and complete. For ecommerce businesses, captivating product descriptions can significantly elevate conversions, as they directly address customer queries and concerns.

Onsite content

Onsite content encompasses all the text and visuals present on a website, from homepage messaging to FAQ sections. It's crucial for offering users valuable information, driving engagement, and fostering trust. This content is closely aligned with product descriptions and blog content, and its refinement is often informed by audits and gap analyses. You'll benefit immensely from optimised onsite content, as it enhances user experience, boosts search engine rankings, and drives conversions.

Blog content creation

Blog content creation involves crafting informative, engaging, and relevant articles or posts for a website's blog section. It's a dynamic tool for digital strategy, aiding in driving organic traffic, positioning the brand as an industry leader, and fostering customer engagement. This deliverable draws from insights gained through content audits and gap analyses and often gets scheduled via the content calendar.

Similar services you may be interested in

Ecommerce SEO involves optimising an online store to rank higher in search engine results. Unlike content marketing, which focuses on creating and sharing valuable content, SEO specifically targets keywords and site structure to improve visibility. However, both services work together, as quality content is essential for effective SEO, driving organic traffic and boosting sales.

Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own, enhancing your site’s credibility and search engine ranking. While content marketing aims to engage and inform, link building focuses on creating connections with other reputable sites. Quality content often serves as a foundation for link building, as shareable, valuable content attracts links naturally.

Digital PR involves managing a brand’s online reputation through media coverage, influencer engagement, and social media. It differs from content marketing by prioritising relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers. Digital PR and content marketing complement each other, with PR amplifying content reach and content marketing providing substantive material to share and promote. Together, they enhance brand awareness and credibility.

Content marketing guides

Let's captivate your audience together.

Get in touch with us today, or book a call here.