
Shopify SEO Agency

Say goodbye to overcomplicated, overpriced SEO strategies.

Our Shopify experts will implement a 10/10 SEO strategy, ticking all the boxes needed for long-term organic growth.

How we optimise and grow Shopify stores

Insightful keyword & market research

Delving deep, we harness past data, analyse current market trends, and identify pivotal keywords to tailor your Shopify SEO strategy.

Data-driven SEO

By implementing strategies steered by robust data, we ensure your Shopify store garners maximal visibility.

Monitoring & evolution

In the dynamic world of SEO, staying static isn’t an option. We continuously track outcomes, adapt strategies, and refine for sustained growth.

Bespoke Shopify SEO strategies, tailored to your goals

We’ve had data-led, exceptionally good deliverables, clear communication and nice people to work with.

Richard Tidman
Digital & E-Commerce Director

Tailored reporting dashboard

Experience seamless reporting with our omni-channel, custom metric dashboards designed specifically for the ecommerce landscape.

Your extended expert squad

Consider us an integral part of your team. With expertise spanning across all ecommerce realms, we’re always accessible through your preferred communication channel.

Clear, bespoke solutions

Steer clear of the jargon. Our team, seasoned with client-side experience, crafts handmade, ecommerce-centric deliverables that make sense and drive results.

Shopify SEO services

Keyword research

Keyword research identifies and analyses the most relevant keywords to target in SEO efforts. These data-led keywords act as the foundation of your Shopify SEO strategy.

Onsite analysis & content

A thorough examination of your Shopify site’s content, including product descriptions and categories. Great for sites that have a lack of optimised content and onsite elements.

Keyword opportunity analysis

An evaluation of unexplored keywords that could drive additional traffic and sales. Perfect for websites experiencing dips in their existing keyword rankings and falling behind competitors.

Competitor visibility analysis

Assessing how competitors are performing in search results for key terms and products. Great for finding weak spots and new opportunities in competitive or overwhelming markets.

Technical SEO audit

An in-depth examination of the technical factors that affect SEO performance. Great for Shopify sites that have been performing poorly with no obvious explanation.

Content strategy

Planning and implementing a content strategy that aligns with your brand and SEO goals. Great for those not utilising regular content promotion and missing out on larger audiences.

Frequently asked questions

Want to learn more about how Shopify SEO can benefit your business? Browse through these frequently asked questions or get in touch with our team today.

Shopify SEO refers to the practice of optimising Shopify stores for search engines. This includes making product listings, descriptions, site structure, and other on-page elements friendly to search engines and users, ensuring higher visibility in search results and increased organic traffic.

No, Shopify isn’t entirely free. It offers a 14-day trial period where you can test its features. After this trial, you’ll need to choose from its range of monthly subscription plans, tailored for different business sizes and needs.

Shopify is a cloud-based ecommerce platform that allows businesses to set up their own online store and sell products. It offers customisable templates, a range of tools for inventory management, payment gateway integration, and other essential ecommerce functionalities, all aimed at simplifying online retail for businesses.

Choosing the right Shopify SEO agency involves assessing the agency’s experience with the platform, understanding their approach to SEO, reviewing case studies, and reading client testimonials. Our team, with its expertise and tailored approach, ensures Shopify stores are optimised for both user experience and search engine visibility.

SEO is crucial for Shopify businesses as it ensures the store ranks higher in search engine results. Higher visibility means more organic traffic, leading to increased sales and revenue. It’s a cost-effective way to build a consistent, reliable stream of potential customers.

Shopify is user-friendly, highly customisable, and provides an array of tools tailored for ecommerce businesses. With its secure payment gateways, vast theme options, and scalable infrastructure, it’s designed to cater to both startups and established businesses, making it a popular choice for online retail.

SEO for Shopify involves keyword research, optimising product listings, improving site speed, creating quality content, building backlinks, and ensuring a mobile-friendly user experience. At Bulldog, our holistic approach ensures your Shopify store is finely tuned to achieve maximum visibility in search results.

The cost of SEO for a Shopify store varies depending on the scope of work, the store’s size, and the agency’s expertise. It’s essential to invest in quality SEO services for long-term gains.

Shopify SEO results

Elevating the online visibility for OTO CBD’s online store by infusing the right dose content, SEO and backlink acquisition.

Building a strong organic presence for TFH Gazebos with a weather-resistant SEO, content, and backlink strategy.

This work has been done with excellent levels of communication. Quite simply this is how I would expect a high-level agency to work!

Harman Bhamra
Head Of Ecommerce

Grow your Shopify store today

Keyword research

Keyword research is the process of identifying the most relevant and valuable terms that potential customers use when searching for products or services. In the context of Shopify SEO, it ensures that an ecommerce site is targeting the right phrases to attract potential buyers. This foundational step feeds into other deliverables such as onsite analysis and content strategy. For ecommerce businesses, accurate keyword targeting means driving qualified traffic that is more likely to convert. It plays a pivotal role in aligning a website's content with user intent and driving organic growth.

Onsite analysis & content

This deliverable involves a deep dive into a Shopify store's onsite elements, particularly focusing on product and category descriptions. The aim is to ensure that the content aligns with keyword research and is optimised for search visibility. The results from this analysis guide improvements in content strategy and keyword opportunity analysis. Ecommerce businesses benefit from this by ensuring their product listings are both compelling and SEO-friendly, increasing the likelihood of higher search rankings and conversions. It's essential for improving organic visibility for specific products and categories. Our team stands out by meticulously analysing every detail and recommending actionable improvements that drive results.

Keyword opportunity analysis

Keyword opportunity analysis involves identifying terms that a website isn't currently ranking for but has the potential to drive significant traffic. By pinpointing these gaps, strategies can be formulated to capitalise on these missed opportunities. This deliverable supports content strategy and competitor visibility analysis. For ecommerce businesses, this means uncovering untapped markets and potential revenue streams. It's key for expanding a website's organic reach. We shine by leveraging data-driven insights and a keen understanding of the ecommerce landscape to spot valuable keyword opportunities.

Competitor visibility analysis

This is the process of analysing how competitors rank for certain keywords and understanding their overall online visibility. It provides insights into market standards and highlights areas where a business can gain an edge. This analysis feeds into keyword research, opportunity analysis, and content strategy. For ecommerce businesses, understanding competitor performance is key to outpacing them in search rankings and capturing more market share. It's vital for staying ahead of the competition. We excel in this area by offering a comprehensive view of the competitive landscape, identifying weak spots in rivals, and strategising on how to outperform them.

Technical SEO audit

A technical SEO audit is a thorough examination of a website's underlying structure and technology, ensuring it's optimised for search engine crawling and indexing. This audit ensures that technical barriers aren't impeding search performance. It closely relates to and supports all other deliverables, especially onsite analysis. Ecommerce businesses benefit because even the best content can underperform if underlying technical issues aren't addressed. It's instrumental in ensuring a seamless user experience and optimal site performance. We are adept at conducting in-depth technical audits, identifying issues that others might overlook, and offering clear solutions to enhance site performance.

Content strategy

Content strategy involves planning, developing, and managing content to achieve specific business goals. In the context of Shopify SEO, it ensures that all content, from product descriptions to blog posts, aligns with keyword research and addresses user intent. This strategy is informed by insights from almost all other deliverables, such as keyword research and competitor analysis. Ecommerce businesses stand to gain by offering valuable content that not only ranks well but also engages and converts visitors. It's central to driving organic traffic and fostering customer loyalty. Our team distinguishes itself by crafting content strategies that resonate with audiences, drive engagement, and elevate brands above the competition.

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Shopify guides

Optimise your Shopify store for maximum visibility.

Get in touch with us today, or book a call here.