
WooCommerce SEO Agency

Say goodbye to overcomplicated, overpriced SEO strategies.

Our team of WooCommerce experts dive deep into data to craft a 10/10 SEO strategy, expertly tailored to your business.

How we optimise and grow WooCommerce stores

Keyword insights & trend analysis

Diving deep into keywords, we gauge market trends and evaluate historical data, laying a robust foundation for your WooCommerce SEO.

Data-driven SEO execution

Harnessing research and data insights, we craft and roll out SEO strategies specifically tailored for your WooCommerce platform, ensuring optimal reach.

Result assessment & refinement

We consistently track outcomes, fine tuning strategies on-the-go to ensure your WooCommerce store remains at the forefront of search engine results.

Bespoke WooCommerce SEO strategies, tailored to your goals

We’ve had data-led, exceptionally good deliverables, clear communication and nice people to work with.

Richard Tidman
Digital & E-Commerce Director

Tailored dashboards & reporting

Our custom metric dashboards, designed with an omni-channel perspective, offer precise reporting tailored to the ecommerce landscape.

Your extended ecom squad

Benefit from a full team of experts, accessible through your preferred communication channels. We’re an extension to your business, in every domain.

Clear, crafted solutions

We ditch the jargon, leaning on our client-side experience to deliver bespoke ecommerce strategies and deliverables that genuinely resonate.

WooCommerce SEO services

Keyword research

Keyword research identifies and analyses the most relevant keywords to target in SEO efforts. These data-led keywords act as the foundation of your WooCommerce SEO strategy.

Onsite analysis & content

A thorough examination of your WooCommerce site’s content, including product descriptions and categories. Great for sites that have a lack of optimised content and onsite elements.

Keyword opportunity analysis

An evaluation of unexplored keywords that could drive additional traffic and sales. Perfect for websites experiencing dips in their existing keyword rankings and falling behind competitors.

Competitor visibility analysis

Assessing how competitors are performing in search results for key terms and products. Great for finding weak spots and new opportunities in competitive or overwhelming markets.

Technical SEO audit

An in-depth examination of the technical factors that affect SEO performance. Great for WooCommerce sites that have been performing poorly with no obvious explanation.

Content strategy

Planning and implementing a content strategy that aligns with your brand and SEO goals. Great for those not utilising regular content promotion and missing out on larger audiences.

Frequently asked questions

Want to learn more about how WooCommerce SEO can benefit your business? Browse through these frequently asked questions or get in touch with our team today.

WooCommerce SEO refers to the optimisation practices tailored specifically for websites built on the WooCommerce platform, enhancing their visibility in search engines. This ensures your products and services reach a wider audience and convert potential leads into customers.

Yes, WooCommerce is a free WordPress plugin. This means you can install and use it without any initial cost. However, there are premium extensions and themes available that might incur costs, depending on your specific ecommerce requirements.

WooCommerce works as a plugin for WordPress, transforming a standard website into a full-fledged ecommerce platform. It provides functionalities like product listings, shopping carts, and payment gateways, enabling businesses to sell products online seamlessly.

Choosing the right agency involves assessing their experience with WooCommerce, reviewing past client testimonials, and understanding their approach to SEO. It’s vital to select an agency, like at Bulldog, we offer bespoke strategies and understands the unique nuances of WooCommerce optimisation.

SEO for WooCommerce is crucial as it ensures your ecommerce store ranks higher in search engines, driving organic traffic. With the vast number of online stores, having an optimised site can be the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity.

WooCommerce offers flexibility, scalability, and is cost-effective. Being a WordPress plugin, it seamlessly integrates with one of the world’s most popular CMS platforms, offering an extensive range of extensions and customisability options.

SEO for WooCommerce involves a mix of general and platform-specific strategies, including keyword research, on-site optimisation (product descriptions, meta tags), technical SEO audits, and backlinking. Utilising plugins and tools designed for WooCommerce can further refine the SEO process.

The cost of SEO for WooCommerce can vary based on the agency, the scope of work, and the specific requirements of the business. It’s best to discuss your needs with an agency like Bulldog to get a tailored quote and strategy.

WooCommerce SEO related results

Elevating the online visibility for OTO CBD’s online store by infusing the right dose content, SEO and backlink acquisition.

Building a strong organic presence for TFH Gazebos with a weather-resistant SEO, content, and backlink strategy.

This work has been done with excellent levels of communication. Quite simply this is how I would expect a high-level agency to work!

Harman Bhamra
Head Of Ecommerce

Grow your WooCommerce store today

Keyword research

Keyword research is the foundational process of identifying terms and phrases that potential customers use to search for products or services online. In the context of WooCommerce SEO, this process ensures that the ecommerce site resonates with the queries potential buyers are entering. The findings from this stage directly feed into content strategies, onsite analysis, and keyword opportunity exploration. Ecommerce sites can harness the power of well-targeted keywords to drive organic traffic that has a higher potential of converting. Achieving this means aligning with what potential customers are actively seeking.

Onsite analysis & content

Onsite analysis focuses on diving deep into the WooCommerce store's existing content, especially regarding products and categories. It's about ensuring content is not only relevant but also optimised for search engines. This analysis plays a key role in refining the content strategy and understanding keyword opportunities. The outcome is a store where each product and category listing is both appealing to readers and SEO-compliant. Ecommerce businesses directly benefit by making their products more discoverable on search engines. Our team excels by going beyond surface-level checks, delving into the intricacies of onsite content and offering actionable steps to enhance its efficacy.

Keyword opportunity analysis

This involves identifying keywords the site is not currently targeting but has the potential to drive meaningful traffic. Unearthing these opportunities can guide adjustments in content and strategic planning. It correlates directly with keyword research and competitor visibility analysis. For ecommerce businesses on WooCommerce, this means discovering new avenues for organic growth and potential revenue. We shine by using data-rich insights to pinpoint untapped keyword potential, enabling businesses to expand their organic reach effectively.

Competitor visibility analysis

Competitor visibility analysis entails examining how rival ecommerce sites perform in terms of keyword rankings and their overall online presence. Insights from this process can shape strategic adjustments and inform keyword targeting. This service complements keyword opportunity analysis and content strategies. Ecommerce brands benefit by gaining a clearer picture of the market landscape, empowering them to craft strategies that outpace competitors. Our approach is comprehensive, offering actionable insights on how to surpass competitors by identifying their weaknesses and leveraging the brand's strengths.

Technical SEO audit

Technical SEO audit refers to the systematic evaluation of a website's underlying elements to ensure optimal performance for search engine indexing and user experience. This comprehensive check is essential as even well-optimised content can fall short if there are technical hindrances. It supports almost every other deliverable, especially onsite analysis. Ecommerce platforms can offer a flawless user journey and be more discoverable to search engines when these technical issues are resolved.Our team has a track record of detailed technical evaluations, unearthing even minute issues that can affect performance and providing actionable solutions.

Content strategy

Content strategy encompasses the planning, development, and management of content to serve specific business and user needs. In WooCommerce SEO, it's about ensuring all content, from blogs to product listings, is in harmony with keyword research and user search intent. The insights from almost every other deliverable feed into this strategy. Ecommerce businesses get a twofold advantage: attracting more organic traffic and ensuring that the content resonates with the audience, driving engagement and sales. We stand apart by crafting content strategies that not only rank but resonate, creating a bridge between brands and their target audience.

Similar services you may be interested in

Shopify SEO pertains to optimisation practices designed for the Shopify platform. While it’s a separate platform from WooCommerce, both focus on enhancing ecommerce visibility. Combined, they can address a wider range of clients with varying platform preferences.

BigCommerce SEO is tailored for the BigCommerce platform, with unique strategies to boost ecommerce sites’ rankings. While WooCommerce offers extensive customisation, integrating knowledge from BigCommerce SEO can provide a holistic approach to varied ecommerce SEO challenges.

Adobe Commerce SEO involves strategies specifically for Magento-based online stores. Although WooCommerce is WordPress-centric and offers plugin-based advantages, combining insights from Magento can ensure that larger, more complex ecommerce structures are also catered for, broadening the agency’s service scope.

WooCommerce related guides

Boost your WooCommerce site's traffic and sales.

Get in touch with us today, or book a call here.