
Mixing up online ads to serve a refreshing increase in sales

Key results


increase in conversions


ROAS achieved


increase in Google ad revenue


Drinkstuff is the go-to retailer for barware, glassware, tableware and catering equipment. They have a vast online store, stocking over 18,000 products and counting. Due to having such a large amount of products, Drinkstuff approached Bulldog while looking for a new partner to support their in-house team. Their main focus was to broaden their paid search horizons.


Our relationship with Drinkstuff started just a few months after the 2020 lockdown. With the majority of their online trade coming from the hospitality industry and other trade accounts, they needed a new consumer-focused audience fast.

In the past, Drinkstuff’s marketing campaigns relied heavily on branded terms (which, at the time, was appropriate for targeting trade accounts). However, this needed to change due to the hospitality crash and shift in consumer behaviour. In order to reduce the reliance on brand searches, our strategy focused on building visibility and conversions for more generic terms.

“As well as being well versed in their fields, the major factor that helped us select Bulldog to run our PPC was the friendly, and more importantly enthusiastic attitude towards our website. But having hit the ground running, and us giving them the scope to do what was recommended we saw a huge increase in our PPC revenue.”

drinkstuff profile

Laura Stagg
Head of Marketing


During the pandemic, Drinkstuff leveraged Dynamic Search Ads to capitalise on increased interest in home bars and cocktail kits, attracting new customers by optimising ad spending on these trending items.

The team also tackled challenges with Google Shopping ads by addressing discrepancies in product pricing and availability, mainly due to varying pack sizes, improving over 20% of the store’s product listings through a close partnership with Google Reps and technical expertise.

Furthermore, anticipating the impact of lockdown restrictions on the hospitality industry, particularly during the crucial Christmas period, Drinkstuff enhanced campaign efficiency through clever optimisations and a broader focus on non-branded searches, ensuring resilience during these uncertain times.

Start serving up high-quality ads


In a challenging period for Drinkstuff, their decision to engage with us proved timely, leading to the most diverse and optimised paid campaign in their history, spanning Non-Brand Search, Display, and Discovery, and achieving a remarkable 10x return on ad spend.

Our proactive and agile paid search campaigns facilitated a significant surge in revenue through Non-Brand Search, enabling the brand to effectively reach both individual consumers and trade accounts amidst the pandemic’s shifting dynamics. Additionally, a targeted emphasis on efficiency during the bustling Christmas season resulted in a 309% increase in sales and a 187% rise in revenue year on year, demonstrating the benefits of swiftly adapting to changes.



increase in Google ad revenue


increase in Bing ad revenue


increase in Shopping revenue


ROAS achieved


increase in conversions


increase in account sign-ups

“Since working with Bulldog Digital Media we’ve seen our PPC revenue growth over the years, all whilst maintaining a very healthy ROAS. Bulldog are an incredibly professional agency, that provides a high-quality service, but their most impressive trait is that they achieve all of this while feeling like part of our marketing department. At no point do I feel like my requests are an inconvenience, and I can share a laugh and a joke with them making the working relationship incredibly easy.”

drinkstuff profile

Laura Stagg
Head of Marketing

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