
Key results


increase in online revenue


increase in return on ad spend


increase in organic users


A UK-based online pharmacy focused on delivering treatment right to your doorstep. Before approaching Bulldog, online performance was plateauing and generating very little return. This online pharmacy wanted to find an innovative marketing agency to re-energise their strategy and go above and beyond current limits.


Online Pharmacy was facing many online obstacles that needed rectifying as soon as possible. Firstly, they were generating very little return on their ever-increasing ad spend, losing trust in their marketing efforts. Not only this, but conversion rates were low and customer relationships were non-existent. It was clear from the get-go that multiple marketing channels would be needed to solve these challenges.

“Bulldog’s ability to understand the challenges that the business faced at the time and adjust PPC / SEO accounts accordingly is great. This has been done with excellent levels of communication, transparency. Quite simply this is how I would expect a high-level agency to work!”

express profile

Harman Bharma
Head of Ecommerce


Online Pharmacy aimed to boost sales through paid and organic search, emphasising conversion rate optimisation. Bulldog’s strategy involved revamping Google Ads by setting up campaigns correctly, enhancing landing pages, and conducting a thorough organic performance analysis. This analysis included a technical audit, keyword research, content gap analysis, and backlink audit to pinpoint and leverage content creation and link-building opportunities.

We redesigned the website to address mobile user experience shortcomings, focusing on mobile responsiveness and user engagement. Additionally, they expanded email marketing efforts with targeted sequences and a reorder system for customer retention and engagement. This comprehensive approach targeted improved traffic quality, website functionality, and customer communication, aiming for higher conversion rates and sustained growth.

Generate healthy streams of revenue


As you can see, firing from all angles with our marketing efforts completely transformed the online pharmacy website. Now classed as one of the UK’s leading pharmacies, Online pharmacy are enjoying an incredibly healthy 105% increase in revenue and 14% increase in mobile conversion rate. Ongoing creative content strategies have boosted a 62% increase in organic users, and clever email marketing has resulted in a 109% increase in email revenue. And, the ads account that was struggling to make money now sits at a 3.88 increase in ROAS. Marketing truly is the perfect medicine.


increase in online revenue


increase in online revenue


increase in online revenue


increase in online revenue


increase in online revenue


increase in online revenue

“The results have been excellent, as can be seen by huge improvements in ROI for PPC. Organic results are also improving thanks to insightful and commercially viable suggestions to improve the quality of track. I’ve been most impressed by the entrepreneurial mindset of the team, which has been noticeable in suggestions for improvements to specific areas of the site, user flow and elements of performance marketing.”

express profile

Harman Bharma
Head of Ecommerce

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